Monastery of Zamartze
Town: Uharte Arakil
Business hours: 12: 00/14: 00 Outside of the hours, make an appointment by phone.
Phone: 618574632 / / 948464316
E-mail: web form
The church of Santa María de Zamartze, in the municipal district of Uharte Arakil, is a construction characteristic of the
Navarrese rural Romanesque built around 1140 and declared a historical and artistic monument. During the last excavations,
the remains of the ancient Roman mansion of Aracaeli and medieval pilgrimage tombs have been found, and it follows that both
Zamartze and Santiago de Itxasperri were on the route of the Astorga-Bordeaux road that was later converted on the first
Camino de Santiago. Nowadays, Zamartze is a house of spiritual retreat and you can visit the small museum that contains
remains allied to the excavations made during the years 2010-2015.
data of interest
Duration: 4 hours and 30 minutes
Distance: 17 km round trip
Elevation: 762 m
Difficulty: Medium
Typology: BALIZADO GR -282
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